Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Going too hard

In terms of computer science:

if amountSleep < minimumSleep {
  colin = crash & burn

That's pretty much what happened to me the last week. When I was a little bit younger, I used to tell my sister that she was a workaholic, and that I would never be like that. o how wrong I was. This last week, I went to school full time, did all my homework, logged over 30 hours of work, and drove to Langley and back in a day. Add that with watching Canucks games, eating, playing a video game (Dragon Age 2 - amazing!), and there wasn't too much time in there to sleep. Needless to say, when I got home from Langley on Sunday night, I was exhausted. So what did I do? You might be thinking to yourself, "o he probably went to bed." Nope. I went to a movie, and then played Xbox til midnight. Yea, I wasn't the smartest that night. Live and learn i guess!

Anyways, I get paid tomorrow, and I have somewhere around 55-60 hours on my paycheck. That includes working 8 shifts in 9 days, and working til late in the night and having to wake up early the next morning. On the plus side, I really like big paychecks. So.... now to the point. Do you think you can go too hard, and is it worth pushing yourself to the point of exhaustion? I promised myself that I wouldn't work like my sister did, but now it's almost like I get too bored with myself if I'm not busy enough.

Thanks for reading! Peace

1 comment:

  1. Sooo, us work-a-holics...we are a pretty special breed! I think you can go too hard, but that you need to know your own limits. Other people have different expectation of themselves, and I think you just gotta do what you gotta do. haha so keep working! if you're not over doing it...:)
